

When it’s all over and hopefully it will be over,
I’ll probably look back and miss
this strange web of our togetherness –

The impromptu arias at windows
and balconies, the orchestras of pots
and pans and hands beating a metronome

Of gratitude to keep airborne
the spirits of our nurses, doctors,
all our care-workers –

The live streaming of ballet dancers
pirouetting trickily around their children,
now like everyone at home –

All the WhatsApp calls and video links
from friends and relatives, my daughters’ faces
surfacing on the small sky of my mobile –

Yes, the virtual world can console.
But watch how easily I’ll trade it –
for the simple harbour of a hug.
Grace Nichols

Harbour pier of Whitby.
- England, May 2024 -
Sharing what we really like to do
strengthens ties and sparks our enthusiasm.
Thank you for your visit and check back often.
Best regards
Pedro Ferreira
copyright © pedro ferreira
All photos exhibited in the left column of this space are of my own and they are protected by law. Whom, without my explicit authorization to use, edit or publish any part of this photographic work, is infringing copyright and will be subject to a criminal complaint under the Code of Copyright and regulations in force in their countries of the offence.